Do you think Jesus used the word stupid?

No, I don't.... Let's talk about language. Let's discuss the importance of speaking consciously, speaking intentionally, to understand why it is so important that we practice this to build #trustwith ourselves and our #children

I recorded a short video a week ago on the importance of setting intentions to create an energetic flow towards the reality you want versus what you don't want. You can view that here

and if you haven't watched it I highly recommend not to look at my amazing ability to put on eyeliner, but because I speak about the biology of #intentions and how they affect not only you but everyone around you. 

Remember that every word we speak carries a vibration, carries a unique frequency actually that radiates out from us in waves of energy. Every word wether spoken aloud or silently affects not only us but everyone around us right, because the word becomes embedded into our biofield that touches everyone and everything....but actually because energy doesn't ever stop moving these words and thoughts radiate out much much further than just the biofield that often is revolving around us out to 9 feet at least. When we do not speak consciously with awareness of the vibrations we are putting out by using words that are negative in connotation, even words such as 'stressed' etc we are putting out low vibrational energy into the world as well as our own bodies bringing down the vibration of the collective. I understand we do not often think that what we as individuals do or say has any baring on another but it absolutely does.

I know I've visited this topic on and off many times but we are at a point now where every word counts and so much of the media is putting out low vibrational language purposefully to lower our own vibrations because fear sells. It releases hormones like dopamine in the body that amps us up in way and when we start to come down from that feeling we begin to crave it again so we look back at the news to see what new travesties have happened and once again lower our vibrations to allow more fear to come in. It's time to stop. We can be informed as long as we understand what exactly is happening to our own energy field when we are watching/reading the news and then we must consciously choose to let that energy go back to the light or ground it down into the earth to be absorbed. 

SO now lets talk about intentional language with our children.  When we lie to our children about how we are feeling about something our children can feel the discord between the words we are using and the feelings we are feeling and it causes mistrust. They begin not to fully trust us because something doesn't feel right and they begin to not trust themselves because we are saying one thing but they are feeling something else from us and it makes them doubt what they are feeling. This shuts down their intuition, just like it did to us when we were younger and still does to this day if we haven't learned how to be honest in a way that doesn't instill fear but allows for empowerment instead. What does that mean exactly? For example, if I allow for something to upset me and I'm not feeling great I have learned how to become honest with my kids. I say what I am feeling. Sometimes I share why, sometimes I don't but I am honest about how I am feeling and then I tell them either I am working on bringing my vibration back up or ask them if they want to help me. In this way I am instilling trust. My intention is always self empowerment as well, so in asking them if they wish to help me feel better I am letting them know they are just as powerful creators as I am. I do not want them to be dependent on me emotionally as they grow up. Yes, at times we all need another to help us out but ultimately the power is within us...I want them to know this.

Name calling has never been ok in my house EVER. Not saying it doesn't happen, they're kids, my husband and I are human. I mean I'm sure on occasion my husband has had less than pleasant names for me as I for him;) but I choose to bless those moments after I think or say unkind words because I understand the impact they have not only on me but the other person. When we allow for our children or ourselves to use the word 'dumb' for example, we are putting a low vibration out that attaches to that person's biofield, we are unintentionally harming that other person but it doesn't stop there. Whatever vibrations we put out come back to us because of harmonic resonance...if I call someone 'dumb' it not only sends out a low disharmonic vibration to that person, I am lowering my own energy field by just saying the word and at the same time pulling back to me more lower vibrational energy! So, you are receiving almost double the negativity that you are giving. How does that feel to know? Not great right! When I explain this to my children, I say, "If you call your brother an idiot, then you are sending harmful energy to him that makes him feel bad about who he is. You are also pulling harmful energy into your own field that will make YOU feel like an idiot. How does that feel to know that you are making your brother feel bad about who he is? How does it feel when someone makes you feel bad about who you are?" We have to learn for ourselves and teach our children about compassion, intentional actions, and intentional language. This is first learned by us right! How often do you look in the mirror and criticize what you see? Right now we are shaming others for going out in public and we have no idea what they are doing but we are judging them, using harmful language to describe their actions. What if they are running errands for elderly neighbors? We do not know, we just don't. We can choose to uplift our society by using caring language, bless the person you see out with infinite divine health instead of being upset with them. When you give them a blessing you are blessing yourself.....and maybe the blessing will raise their vibration enough to give them pause to think about their actions. When a negative thought comes to mind about our current world affairs with the current virus going around say something positive out loud. Say thank you for all the pollutants that are being lifted out of our environment without so many cars on the road! Yes, there are hardships occurring right now but there are a lot of beautiful things unfolding at the same time, where you put your focus is a choice...I choose to speak love into existence because ultimately that is what saves us... 


What is Energy Healing?


A Client's Journey of Self Love