Self Actualization

People respond differently to someone that is in control of their energy expenditure. We have all set down next to someone that makes us highly uncomfortable, they make us want to shrink and move away. When someone is projecting energy out trying to attach to people around them through convincing them to think they do, prove a point, or they want others to feel like they do whether that be good or bad…they are consuming your energy.

When someone is at peace internally with who they are, they do not feel the need to be reassured or validated by shared beliefs and opinions by those around them. Sitting next to someone in this state is comforting, they are magnetic. These are the people with charisma and they seem to float across the ground instead of plodding through thick mud. These are the people that are consuming their own energy and allowing everyone around them to do the same. When you are around someone that is consuming their own energy, it relaxes your nervous system. There is no need to be on guard around someone that isn’t trying to penetrate your field.

When you are in a state of self consumption, it allows for Self-Actualization. Consuming your own energy opens the floodgates of wisdom and creativity you hold within your own beingness. You become the person that feels good to be around. You become the person that holds the secret sauce everyone wants to know how to make. Simply because you feel good.

Each energy center of the Body contains a plexus of neurons which resemble a Mind. They each carry consciousness and have their own hormones, organs, and chemicals they regulate.

In this course, you learn how to self consume. You will be utilizing your breath to move energy with intention through the plexus of neurons that govern each energy center. Through using breath, symbols, and intention you can change the level of consciousness each center is in harmonic resonance with.

As you change the level of consciousness you are in harmonic resonance with to more expansive levels, you come into alignment with infinite potentials in the quantum field!

This course is wisdom that sinks into your bones and ignites a flame of self-recognition so deep you don't want to Be anyone but yourself. 


This course will be half-off for the month of June. It walks you through the art of self-consumption. You will learn how to upgrade and align not only your primary chakras, but your secondary ones as well on your merkaba. 


This is a self-healing guide hand curated by Archangel Metatron.


The processes you learn in this course, prime your body and energy field to hold new dimensional fields of play. Self-Actualization is a deep remembrance that all the wisdom of the universe resides within your very being. It is anchored into every strand of DNA, cell, and organ of your Body. 

This is the ultimate guide to Self-Consumption to break cords and patterns of codependency with people, patterns, and memories from your past.

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