Body Regeneration
The body is part of your Soul. The body is Source Energy in particle form. You are wrapped in a blanket of love, full of untapped wisdom. At one point in time all matter was connected, you are made of cosmic matter. What wisdom does your body hold?
This bundle is an accumulation of classes and activations that teach you how to open a conversation with your body consciousness and heal. Every seven years your entire body regenerates itself, receiving the directive on how to regenerate from the blueprint that surrounds every cell, organ, and structure in and around your body. Your body is a wisdom keeper and connects back into your soul.
Every distortion that you believed to be true for you altered the blueprints of your body, disrupting the divine perfection of regeneration. These classes guide you through a new regenerative process that promotes self-healing and self-love.
If you want to open your channeling, intuition, healing, or mediumship abilities safely it is essential that your spirit is fully grounded into your body. Your body must trust that you will listen to it and help it move excess energy through it. Your body is speaking to the universe through the subconscious minds that lay throughout the different energy centers in the body.
It is time to recode the foundational frequencies of your body to open specific codes of brilliance, longevity, self-healing, and expansive levels of consciousness residing within your own being.
With this course you receive:
Five hour long classes that take you through the body regeneration process
Seven Activations — When I record an activation I guide you into a trace like state to help you access your limbic system. This allows you to gain access to your subconscious minds to recode your foundational belief structures.
Module 1
Module 2
Healthy Skin & Bones 1
Video: Healthy Skin & Bones 1
Activations: Unraveling Insecurities, Cleansing Sun Energy
In this class we address the bodies ability to synthesize light! We take out gunky webbing surrounding our blueprints to allow for energy to flow in and around our organs, cells, bones, and tissues. We learn about how our rays of incarnation play with what chakra's are easiest for us to have open and utilize...and so much more!
Healthy Skin & Bones 2
Video: Healthy Skin & Bones 2
Activations: Clearing the Mucus Membrane, Curating Powerful Intentions, Get Grounded in Gratitude
In this class we dive into Self Healing & Self Forgiveness. Becoming aware of the Body Consciousness and what it has been storing to keep you safe brings wave of love & gratitude to it. We work directly with the Earth to allow her to help us release everything that isn't serving our own expansion
Module 3
Understanding the Holographic Field 1
In this class we discuss Imprints in the Holographic Field. We learn how to release them from our field by deconstructing the underlying foundational frequency. I guide you through releasing technology implanted in the imprints themselves that keep us stuck in loops. At the end of class, we bring forward our Highest Selves and work on channeling a message from them.
Understanding the Holographic Field 2
To ascend our Mind, Body, and Spirit we have to come to the understanding that we are all one being. In this class we walk into the Garden of Eden and become the tree, the flower, the fruit, and pick the fruit to consume ourselves. We walk through the flow of being part of the wholeness to fully release separation.