About Intuitive Healing
Dissolving Densities to Shine Your Light
It is Time for you to Experience Infinite Potential….
There is a quantum field of energy that connects all things.
It connects your inner and outer world. Everything is energy, including your entire Being. Everything you are, everything you think, everything you feel interacts with this quantum field of energy which creates the reality you see and experience every day. You are a powerful Being in that you can archetype your life merely by the emotions you feel and the thoughts you have. Your thoughts, emotions, and feelings are energetic waves that radiate throughout the body and out from the body like radio waves. These waves of energy play in the quantum field of limitless potentials. There is a term named harmonic resonance, which means like attracts like. So the frequency of energy waves you are emitting through your human container into the quantum field combines with experiences, people, places, and things that are in harmonic resonance with the waves of energy you are radiating out.
Working with the quantum field of energy to archetype your life sounds simple enough, but you have different aspects of you that carry cellular memory that are continually projecting out different frequencies without you being consciously aware they are doing so! These different aspects of Self have been programmed, or conditioned, from different life experiences and your environment to produce varying energetic waves that may not be assisting you in how you are wanting to archetype your life in the quantum field.
These different aspects of Self are the foundational pieces of my work! Some of them are the Mind, Ego (aka personality), Body Consciousness, Inner Child, and Primal Self. Within each of these aspects of Self are subcategories such as with the Mind we can divide it up into the Conscious and Subconscious Mind. We could dive in deeper and connect with the neuropathways themselves with each of these categories as well.
There is no need for overwhelm when looking at these different aspects of your human container. The beautiful thing is if you look deep enough, feel into each of them deep enough...you'll begin to see they are all aspects of and were created by Source Energy. So you can begin speaking to each of these aspects of you with love and the intention for them to be seen, for the traumas they have experienced to be honored and felt, and reconnect them with their original origin point in the quantum field where they were limitless in their design and ability to Exponentially Expand into all Potentials.
This is what I most want for you, to become your own healer, expander, and guiding light. There are times when you need to work with someone to help you expand into a new level of the quantum field. We were designed to work together in this way. It is how we come into understanding Unity Consciousness. You expand, I expand...we all expand because we are all connected to the same quantum field of energy.