I sat and I asked, what is a core desire I want to experience in this lifetime?
The answer came quickly….to Self-Actualize. An internal exploration and realization of my gifts, my mind, my social potentials, and to help others do the same.
To reach full potential…this is an infinite day by day, month by month, and year by year process.
Ready to play?
Quantum Coaching & Healing
3 - 6 Month Intensive
I am a Quantum Alchemist Channel that helps others Self-Actualize.
This is a container to Quantum Shift.
Are you ready to uplevel the way you play? It is easy to become stagnant with growth and vision when you don’t know where to start.
It begins with your Why…always. Your why is knowing yourself as an aspect of Source Energy and desiring to expand your codes of light through play. Passions will come and go because you are continually exploring and creating new visions of what and how you want to receive, give, and effect the world.
One of the biggest gifts you can give yourself is a mentor or coach that holds space for yourself more fully. Someone that can call you out when you aren’t stepping up to the plate but falling back into complacency and old habits…Someone that can be your greatest cheerleader and see where you are headed when you can’t see it yourself….Someone that can help you move energy, heal, and explore your gifts in a safe way.
Everyone has healing and psychic abilities. We are all supernatural, but we have been taught to play small. Building larger visions for yourself can be difficult when you don’t know who you are at your core. Coming home to know yourself and reweaving the foundational structure of your home is how you begin to shift your reality and open the gifts that were woven into your Soul upon creation.
My oldest son, that was born with Down syndrome and Autism, took me through the process over a decade ago. He would come to me in my dream state and show himself doing something with excitement and joy that he couldn’t yet do in the waking physical world. I would wake up feeling the same beautiful emotions of joy and gratitude that I felt in the dream. The image of him doing whatever he was working on stuck with me. Together we built a new simulation for him to step into. It would be shortly after these dreams that he would accomplish the goal in the waking physical world that he showed me in my dreams.
That is what Quantum Coaching and Healing is to me. Together we depixelate the reality that isn’t serving you and rebuild the image with frequencies that can hold your new vision.
45 minute 1:1 Weekly/Biweekly Healing & Guidance Sessions
I am a gift expander, your Soul shows me what gifts you have that are ready to open
Do you have a healing practice? We can dive into how your gifts want to be shared, meet the Soul of your Business and expand your foundation in a way that creates coherence to facilitate growth
Coaching, Homework, Channeling, and Integrations
Check-ins through the WhatsApp..are you following through
Bodily healings, past life integrations, and Soul retrieval work.
Learn how to deeply cleanse your energy field & envoirnment
Expansion of Self Love, Relationships, Finances, Career, Family & Health
Receive lifetime access to my members only library that has over 40 hours of content
Full inclusion and healing of the Ego, Mind, Body, Soul, Spirit, Inner Child, & Primal Self
Clean up the energetics of your website & offerings
and much more
I take a limited number of new clients in each container to ensure I have plenty of time for you …Schedule a time to see if we are a good fit to co-create magic together & check availability.
Gold Mentorship
6 month Container…lets play and get things moving!
unlimited - 45 minute sessions
+ lifetime access to the members only library - 40 plus hours of courses, meditations, and activations
+ WhatsApp text & email support
+Opportunity to practice with other Mentorship client
Silver Mentorship
3 month Container…lets play and get things moving!
unlimited - 45 minute sessions
+ lifetime access to the members only library - 40 plus hours of courses, meditations, and activations
+ WhatsApp text & email support
+Opportunity to practice with other Mentorship client
Jennifer Leech is Transformational Woman’s Coach helping others know their True Potentials!
Elaina Conchron is an Intuitive Energy Healer & Light Weaver. She’s an alchemist of false programmings which allows for vast expansions of transformations to occur.