Public Speaking
I love to share information and connect with an audience
I am often asked to speak because of my ability to connect with an audience and teach them about energy, consciousness and emotions in a way that their conscious minds can accept.
I combine my medical background, neuroscience, love of quantum physics, and intuitive spiritual gifts to speak to your beautiful Mind, Body, and Soul to facilitate unity consciousness healing. If we desire to move into unity consciousness as a collective…we have to first experience it internally.
It is my purest intention to facilitate a space of healing, acceptance, and understanding of the engertics behind emotions and who we are from a multidimensional perspective.
We all have stories that have held shame, joy, and fear. It is always my intention to help your whole being understand how to release the energy bonds you have to these stories so you can move into something new.
Interested in having me speak or lead a retreat? I feel into every invitation to make sure we are a good fit to cocreate together for the highest and best of both our audiences. Traveling is optional. Email me to see if we are a good fit to play together and/or to setup a time to meet.
Past Speaking Events
Autism Mom’s Group
How Emotional Energy Affects Children With Autism
New Human
How to heal & manifest through accessing Parallel Lives in the Quantum Field
The modern day priestess Retreat
The Role of the Ego in our Spiritual Evolution