The Art of Manifestations…

Envision the most beautiful spider web you've ever seen. It is so complete and pure you can see all the concentric rings within it, circles inside of circles.

Image each circle is a dimension inside the quantum field of energy of which we are all connected. The space from the center point to the first ring consist of a certain range of frequencies, the second to third ring consists of a different range of frequencies. This goes on almost infinitely.

Your Being resides within all the rings in the web. When you want to manifest a life you desire from a place of gratitude, it begins in the outermost rings.

To bring your manifestation into physical form here on Earth, it has to pass through many rings to collect the photons of light at the correct frequencies to produce the physical matter you see and experience.

The innermost rings have different programs that arose from belief systems that humanity created. When enough humans vibrate thoughts & emotions with the same frequency, it becomes an algorithm. Many of these algorithms have stories that humans created and attached to them. That algorithm lives in the dimension, the ring, in which it is a vibrational match too. Sometimes your manifestations stick to these algorithms as they pass through these rings, and this causes distortions.

To manifest purely, it has to stay unattached. This is an Art, to long to write out here. Perhaps I’ll teach a class soon:-)


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