My Son Performed a Healing

There was a Dad in the neighborhood in Kansas where we use to live that my oldest son really enjoyed being around. One fourth of July evening, most of the neighbors were sitting together shooting off fireworks. My oldest son sat next to the Dad he enjoyed being by. He asked the man if his wrist hurt. The Dad didn’t think too much of it and said that it did. My son took his wrist in his hand and played with it for a while. A few weeks later we were hanging out with the couple and their children. After a few drinks, the Dad got the courage to share a story with us. He told us about my son taking his wrist and playing with it for a while. He said he didn’t think anything of it as he wasn’t paying attention, his mind was more focused on making sure none of the little kids ran in the path of the fireworks. The next morning when he woke up, his wrist didn’t hurt. He had woken up to wrist pain every day for the prior two years. As he went about his day, his wrist continued to feel better. He thought about my son’s question of asking him about his wrist pain and my son ‘playing’ with his wrist. He said, “I know this is going to sound crazy, but I think your son healed my wrist.”


How could my son who didn’t say a word heal another person’s wrist without asking a single question as to how did it get hurt? He did it because he was present in the now moment. He was present with the pain, he could feel the pain, and he moved the pain.

If you are in the now moment, not thinking about the past or future, you are not telling any stories about why the pain is there. When you tell a story about a situation and think about it over and over again, you keep the energy stuck, this creates codes that have a slow vibration which allows them to be sticky. Sticky codes don’t allow energy to move through them to other codes which cause other healthy codes to shut down. This causes your DNA to shrink to protect itself. All DNA has a slight coil, but the tighter it coils the unhealthier it is. The tighter your DNA coils the more codes are shut off which often show up in the form of unwanted disease states and aging. Negative thought forms, emotions, and words themselves cause DNA to coil tighter, this has been studied extensively. Each code in your DNA carries a frequency or range of frequencies. These frequencies connect with the dimensions in the quantum field they are a vibrational match too. If you can understand this, you can begin to understand that you are a multidimensional being of light. The entire universe and beyond is really inside your DNA, in your codes. Remember every dimension carries a range of frequencies that carry colors of light. If you have access and can hold the entire spectrum of light, you are connecting to the unprogrammed dimensions of light that have pure potential energy. When you have access to that, you can heal someone’s wrist without saying a word.

If you would like to learn how to access the Quantum Field with greater levels of awareness, look for more information here: 


The Secret Gardens


Letting Go of Imposter Syndrome