The Secret Gardens

If I see myself as a flower, what colors of pedals do I have? If I see myself as a tree, what is the texture of my bark? If I know myself in you, what shadows do we share? I know that I am light, filled with many secret gardens.

Some have been explored, while others remain hidden. Until I have the courage to illuminate them all, this journey will feel forbidden like the apple in the garden of Eden. I choose to step into my fullness of grace and patterns of self-destruction.

I choose myself above the rest to ignite a light in my secret gardens. This journey of self-realization doesn’t contain obliteration, but rather self-acceptance of everything I have hidden.

I am love, I love you fully.

Amen Amen Amen

It is easy for us to turn away from our dark parts that we have been taught are bad or evil in some way. This creates shame and separation. What if we leaned into them instead, looking at our experiences that we have put onto others or that were put onto us from others with curiosity instead. Pain is loud and very consuming as it wraps tightly through us and around us collapsing our energy inward.

To illuminate our pain, our ugly patterns of contraction, or failed relationships allows us to know ourselves more fully. Illuminating and investigating these parts is what sets us free to expand into new realities. When we observe the parts we no longer want to bring forward, we keep the wisdom that was gained while letting go of the stories that have been defining us. There is light on the other side of darkness and we are meant to live in the middle. If we live fully in shades of white, we are judging the black and creating separation. If we live in fields of grey, we accept ourselves as both. Through this observation, resistance and fear stop controlling our forward movement. We remember there is nothing to run from as we’ve only been running from ourselves.

If you are needing help falling in love with your body and journey, you might find it helpful to utilize the Body Regeneration Course here.

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I am love, I love myself fully

Amen Amen Amen


Body Regeneration


My Son Performed a Healing