Body Regeneration

The body is part of your Soul. The body is Source Energy in particle form. You are wrapped in a blanket of love, full of untapped wisdom. What wisdom does your body hold?

As you were growing up every time you looked outside of yourself for answers, you changed a bit of your original essence. When you sought out validation to be loved or nourished you conformed a piece of yourself to become that person that could be accepted. Conforming to your environment and being conditioned by the beliefs and patterns in your environment is the study of epigenetics.

The way you grew up altered your body’s ability to regenerate and express its divine intelligence, because your original codes of intelligence in your DNA were shut off while other codes that identified with your environment turned on.

An positive example of this is a tribe in Mexico called the Tarahumara. They hold a belief that the older you get, the faster you run. They eat carbs, smoke cigars, and drink moonshine. They proved themselves to be the best ultramarathon runners in the world in the 90s before retreating back to their canyon in Mexico. The athletes that participated ran in sandals and were on average fifty years old.

Unfortunately, many of you were around adults that spoke of lack in some way. You might have conformed to try to appease your Mom, Dad, or other adults. There were even times you might have heard you needed to be humble or constrict your joy to be accepted by God and not be sinful. These programs altered your DNA. These kind of programs released feelings of shame, failure, seperation, anger, or fear.

Negative feeling emotions feel bad because the molecules of energy that make up the chemicals released as a direct result of those emotions, are fighting against each creating waves of incoherency. This alters the blueprints that surround every molecule of energy, every cell, organ, tissue, and your entire body. Blueprints hold the information and direct the body how to regenerate. When a blueprint has been blasted often enough by incoherent waves of energy, they alter their information to accommodate the incoherency. This in turn begins to tell the cells how to regenerate differently. The DNA inside the cell coils tighter to protect itself which turns different codes of wisdom off.

Your Body’s innate wisdom to self heal and regenerate is available to you always. When you begin moving your attention back into your body you have the opportunity to turn your wisdom codes back on. You validate yourself, trust yourself, and fall back in love with your own being light.

If you are needing help walking through healing your blueprints and learning how to turn back on your wisdom codes, the Body Regeneration course might be helpful. You can find more information here.


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The Secret Gardens