Letting Go of Imposter Syndrome

Most of us have experienced imposter syndrome at some point, if not most of our lives. Imposter syndrome is the inability to believe that one’s success was achieved of their efforts or skills. Imposter syndrome occurs because so much of what you are operating from was downloaded from your environment in the form of a program.

The study of epigenetics has demonstrated how the environment you live in shapes how your body reads your DNA sequence. When you allow external influences to modify your genes, it changes how your body reads your DNA sequence. Codes within your DNA will turn off while other codes turn on in response to how your Body reads the sequence of your DNA.

Every emotion, feeling, and thought (EFTs) you experience internally radiates out from you like radio waves. These waves of energy are mostly magnetic connecting with other waves of energy that are similar in frequency, a vibrational match. When you are not consciously aware of and monitoring your energy, your EFTs, you are connecting with other people, places’, and things’ energy all the time. There are atoms of energy in those waves you are radiating out and they form bonds with the atoms in these other waves of energy.

When similar waves of energy combine, they form a program that is downloadable like an app on your phone. You have unknowingly been downloading apps since you were conceived. These apps, have defined you by creating neuropathways in your Mind that are a vibrational match to the frequencies of the programs. These programs have told your Body how to read your DNA sequence turning off codes that are not a vibrational match to frequencies in the program. An example of this would be if your mother believed that God, Source Energy, or whatever name she had for that Universal Energy of which we all came from was outside of her. If she felt that this entity we often call God here, was outside of her watching her and judging her actions as good, bad, right, or wrong then she would have carried and radiated out a program of not enough, unworthiness, and shame. Separation. If your Mother carried this, more than likely you do as well because the frequencies of this program radiated out from her and continually came into your baby body changing your DNA sequence.

To heal imposter syndrome and become truly confident in who you are and what you are meant to share with the world, you have to remember and connect with your original I AM presence. The original OG, you can thank my kids for schooling me on slang terms later, of your DNA sequence is divinely unique to you. This is a process; you’ve spent years being an imposter but it doesn’t have to take years or decades to come back to your OG self. Who knows, maybe you could even take your OG self to the next level and open up codes in your DNA sequence that the world has never seen.

If you would like to take a deep dive of self discovery of who you really, click here.


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