If you could speak to your Mind like it was a person & show it the frequencies of thoughts you needed it to lock in to manifest your greatest Desires….would you learn how to do it? If you could speak to your Body & show it the frequencies of the emotions you needed to feel manifest your Desires……would you do it?
This is the process I will be sharing with you in this 2-part Class!
Part 1: June 4th 11-12pm Central Time
Part 2: June 5th 11-12pm Central Time.
This class will be recorded so if you cannot attend live but would still love to be able to go through the process on your own time, you will receive the recordings. I will be working with the Mind showing it how to access & delete subconscious belief systems that are sabotaging your manifestation process & you will learn how to do the same. You will be learning how to work with the Mind & Body directly to bring them into a beautiful harmonic dance with the life you wish to create.
In order to access both days, you must register for both June 4th & June 5th Seperatly!