The Frequency of Food & Water


I am going to keep this brief but I want to bring an #energetic underderstanding about the codes/frequencies that our food sources and water carry today. Just like every cell of our body breaks down into molecules of energy, so does our food and water sources. In fact 90% of our bodies are made up of bacteria, viruses, and parasitic microbes.

Every piece of food we put in our mouth carries codes, carries frequencies and these codes are either coherent/harmonious, meaning carrying a high frequency, or incoherent/disharmonious which carry a lower frequency. Obviously if something is harmonious in nature, our bodies are able to easily absorb the codes and microbes in that food and it brings harmony to the body as the frequencies are absorbed. Now what frequencies our food brings comes from a variety of factors. How close is the food source to the original blueprint that the divine created it in the first place? Who grew, cared for, harvested, and transported the food? What were their intentions what was their energy like? Did they love what they were doing? Were they working out of fear of lack? The frequencies the people in charge of the food were carrying penetrate the food and become part of the codes the food is carrying.

The Creator of all that is, whatever term you use for that which brings you comfort, created our bodies to work in divine perfection with our water and food sources. Over the last few decades we decided to change the structure of our plants for convenience reasons and started producing in mass genetically modified seeds. This is all fine, it was just a creation, but what happened is that things like #GMO round up ready seeds, that once carried a vibration we could easily absorb now is a vibrational mismatch to our bodies. To understand this, lets think about the frequency of round up. Round up is meant to kill plants, and in order to kill a plant you have to have a frequency that is so low in vibration it causes death. These codes when ingested cause incoherence in the body. The code that these new seeds have in order to live when sprayed with Round Up has to be very low, very incoherent so it completely changed the microbes in the structure of the plant. Now when these frequencies are ingested through our food sources, our bodies are rejecting them because they are disharmonic which brings dis-ease to our bodies. Before you get angry with those that made these changes to our food, remember that we are all creator beings here learning as we go along. With the spikes in cancer from chemicals, heavy metals and other toxins we've allowed to leak into our food sources and water supplies, we are learning these weren't the best decision we've ever made. Through understanding frequencies we have a chance to get things back on track to bring more #harmony to our bodies.

Now let us speak about water for a moment. Water is an excellent conductor of energy and because of that it also does an amazing job of storing the memory of frequencies of things it has come into contact with even when it goes through a purification process. The frequencies that it has been exposed to are still in the water you drink, shower in, and cook with. Some of the most prescribed medications today are statins and anti-anxiety medications and a huge side affect for those are.....weight gain. Yes, the codes of many different pharmaceuticals are embedded in your drinking water from different avenues like pills falling into sinks causing all kinds of reactions in our bodies, and a huge one is weight gain.

Besides beginning to grow your own food wether it be in container gardens like I have, or beautiful garden beds (which I do not have the space or patients for lol) there are simple things you can do to begin to change the frequencies that are in your food and water...simply by blessing it. It is intention. Right now if you have water near you, place your left hand above your water and say something as simple as, "I honor the space in which you exist." This is giving thanks to the water for nurturing your body, you are acknowledging that those molecules of energy that make up the water have consciousness. You can thank the water for bringing harmony and hydration to your cells and sending it love from your heart for allowing you to replenish your own body with it. You can do this with food as well. Now, if you are like me and sometimes dinner time is a rush of getting 3 kids fed, you can ask the angels if you feel comfortable, to help you cleanse/clear the food of all toxicities, negative imprints, and any other incoherent energy waves/codes that aren't serving your highest good and replenish them with infinite divine love. There really is no wrong way to do this. We do not eat healthy all the time at my me lol. If the kids talk me into a sonic slush then they know what they have to do before they drink it....they bless it.

Remember that everything from your body to the clothes you wear, the products you put on your skin, and the food you put in your body carry a frequency that is either harmonious~bringing you into a state of balance, or disharmonic~bringing you out of balance. Before you purchase anything take the time to look at it, hold it and feel into it to see if it is right for you. If you love the way a shirt looks but it doesn't feel good when you hold it, bless it, clear the energy off of it and then check again...does it feel better? We have more time to hit the pause button before making a purchase, eating those fries, and drinking that coffee than we think. It can literally take 5 seconds to heal the frequency of something to bring it into a state of balance. Share this blog and teach your children, your parents, and your friends how to do this. You have the power to create positive change and to uplift humanity to higher levels of awareness. Thank you for taking the time to read this, I honor you and bless you with infinite divine love:-)


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