What is Energy Healing?

Everything carries a frequency.  With energy healing what we are working towards is bringing our vibrations into the most harmonious state possible. We do this by releasing negative patterns/low disharmonic energy waves that aren’t bringing us the life, the experience, the feelings of joy, peace and love that we are seeking. Just like training for a marathon we have to train our bodies into being able to hold higher vibrations. 

Detox happens when your body has been use to a set internal frequency, and you are asking it to adjust to a different set of frequencies.  When we move disharmonic frequencies out of your body, because of cellular memory, neuropathways, and the hormones that are associated with those frequencies often try to pull us back down into those lower frequencies because it is addicted to them. Just like we get addicted to sugar, alcohol, and food its craving those frequencies even though they aren’t for the bodies highest good. That is why it is important to have systems in place to retrain your mind/body and become accustomed to be able to accept higher vibes like divine love, peace, gratitude. 

Our goal with energy healing, is to enable our bodies to be able to hold higher and higher frequencies more often. The lower disharmonic emotions such as fear, shame, guilt, envy, powerlessness etc that you release, the more #harmonicemotions you’ll be able to hold such as harmony, peace, compassion, and divine love. Unless you live in a cave and have studied to become a monk for the past 30 years, you probably won’t be able to hold these higher states continually, but you’ll be able to be in those high vibrations longer and find your way back to them more easily. When this is done, you begin to feel at peace within your own skin…..yes even alone in isolation with social distancing in place. 

There are times during a healing when the frequencies are so foreign, you have a difficult time allowing them to come in and almost fall asleep. What is happening is that your higher self, your soul is getting your #conscious mind out of the way. When your conscious mind is set to the side, you it is easier to embody the healing that is wanting to come forth. Your higher self is seeing that you aren’t understanding the frequencies coming in so it gently moves your conscious mind out of the way so it can guide the energy into you without so much resistance. Of course you always have the ability to say no thanks, I am not ready to receive this healing today.

Although at times healing can be messy...I have found it to be completely worth it. It has given me a relationship with the #divine, a sense of peace (usually, I mean my kids did manage to break a mail box and car window last week....but thats for another blog;) and #trust in my relationship with the divine I had no idea existed. I had unworthiness beliefs that triggered low self esteem, and fear of rejection so I formed myself into what I thought other people would find acceptable. Shedding those layers was the greatest gift I ever gave not to just to myself and my children, but to humanity as a whole. I have wrote many times how we affect others....everytime I release a vibration that isn't lifting me up I make space for a higher vibration to come in and radiate that out from me blessing everyone and everything around me with it....and so do you! Choosing to heal or spending money on working with healers is anything but selfish, you are making a choice to work with the divine and uplift humanity. 


The Frequency of Food & Water


Do you think Jesus used the word stupid?