What are Intentions and Why do they Matter?

Science has shown that we have a #biofield that extends around us to at least 9 feet out, probably much further but they’ve only studied up to this point. It was first recognized in 1939 by a Yale professor and has recently began to be studied again. It looks like a toroid. This field of energy goes up through us and comes out all around us and its continuous.

The biofield carries our #emotions, #thoughts, #words, our #energy out to the world and like a magnet, due to the physics law of harmonic resonance, brings back things from our environment that is a vibrational match to what we are vibrationally putting out. This is how we are creating our environment.

Intentions are important because you are lining up your vibrations and telling them what you would like it to accomplish, how you want it to go, and how you want feel when you are doing it. Now there can be underlining #subconscious energies from yourself and others running that interfere with your intentions to some extent, but at least you are learning how to harness some control over what is happening around you rather than allowing yourself to fall victim to circumstance.

When I learned the importance of intention and began to implement them throughout my day it was a #gamechanger people! I’ll give you an example of my morning intention that I set just about every morning. As soon as I wake up

instead of saying dam#, I say, “Thank you God for this daily breath.” This keeps me focused rather than my mind immediately thinking what I need to get done. After I say that statement, I set my intention for the morning on how I want it to look and how I want to feel as I go through the motions. My intention is to get up, get some clothes on that make me feel good, begin to get lunches/snacks/waters/breakfast made, packed and cleaned up before heading to school. I set the intention the boys get dressed in clothes that are decent-ish….not too many stains and holes;-) I set the intention everything flows with ease and grace so they have enough time to get outside to ride bikes/scooter/jump on the trampoline for a few minutes before heading off to school. This intention takes me literally less than 3mins. Intention is a way of organizing your energy to allow it to flow with more ease.

To set an intention is to allow more flow of abundance in all facets of life to flow into your life. By organizing the particles of energy within your field there is less wasted flow, there is more order which means you can put more flow in the direction of what you want and rather than on what you don’t want.

The flow of life is something we radiate out, it isn’t something that is done to us unless we allow for it to happen that way by not being conscious of what we are radiating. Yes, at times, there are others that place their will upon yours but it is your choice wither you stay in their energy flow or come out of it and build your flow. We can all allow ourselves to be influenced by another it happens everyday! Our strength is derived from not allowing it to consume us but rather to become stronger than the mind, our limiting thoughts, beliefs and know the truth of who we are so we can begin to say, “This is what I want, this is how I want to feel.” And begin to dream that, begin to feel what it will feel like to have that experience. That is setting your intention and taking your power back over your energy fields. Imagine if we knew this when we were young. Imagine if you knew when you were young that you could harness that power and if something didn’t feel right, if something wasn’t falling your way, you knew with your whole being you could change your biofield and therefore change your environment by setting your intentions and holding onto them throughout your day until they were made manifest.

Mindfulness intention setting takes practice and that’s why learning how to become quiet through short meditation practices is so important. I hear over and over again, I could never meditate there is too much running through my mind, I don’t have time. First, anybody can meditate and everyone has time….if you have time to worry you have time to meditate. Meditation can be as simple as taking in one big deep breath and allowing yourself to feel the air come in and flow back out. There you just did one! They can be as long or short as you’d like. The more you practice the more you’ll want to be in a meditative space because it just feels good.

What #mindfulness practices do is strengthen you to your mind, your environment, and time. When we aren’t mindful or setting intentions we are continually chasing time. I have to do this, I need to do that, I don’t have time for this because I have to get this done instead. If instead of continually pushing your energy out into the future and barely accomplishing anything on your to do list, you set an intention every hour or so of what you’d like to experience you are reducing wasted energy flow and it will be more condensed. Now there will be one thing that might get in your way and it is this, your body's #celluarmemory will try to pull you into the direction of chaos to take up your time because that is what it is use to doing. It is cellular memory that is now stored in your subconscious mind, so becoming mindful and strengthening yourself to know that this is going to happen allows you to overcome it. You’ll begin to notice, wait that is a distraction that my subconscious mind is pulling me towards so I don’t get this other thing done because I’m use to chasing time. You’ll see this and remind yourself of your intention at that time and go back to what you where intending. You are becoming stronger than your past mind, your past cellular memory and it will begin to change.

Like learning to #meditate, ride a bike, or climbing a mountain, holding intentions take practice. It is something I do with my kids on the way to school. I ask them how they would like to feel at school that day, what do they hope happens and more often than not, when the day is done they leave for school with a smile on their face and come home the same…..and so do I.


A Client's Journey of Self Love